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英文名aminobutyric acid (GABA)

化学名称: 4-氨基丁酸

别名: γ-氨基丁酸, 氨酪酸,哌啶酸。

分子式: C4H9NO2

分子量: 103.1




1、镇静机理:γ-氨基丁酸属强神经抑制性氨基酸,具有镇静、催眠、抗惊厥、降血压的生理作用。它是抑制性神经递质Inhibitory Neurotransmitter),可以抑制动物的活动,减少能量的消耗。氨基丁酸作用于动物细胞中的GABA受体GABA受体是一个氯离子通道,GABA抑制性或兴奋性是依赖于细胞膜内外的氯离子浓度的GABA受体被激活后,导致氯离子通道开放,能增加细胞膜氯离子通透性,使氯离子流入神经细胞内,引起细胞膜超极化,抑制神经细胞元激动,从而减少动物的运动量



■ 抗应激



■ 促进采食:






■ 不含国家禁止使用的药物成分,所用原料均无毒副作用,且功效显著,安全可靠。



■ 直接和饲料混合,注意混合均匀,在季节变化和其它应激时酌情加大用量。

■ 每吨全价饲料添加量:

畜禽:100-250    水产:100-200    反刍:700-1000


■ 包装: 25kg 高密度纸桶包装。

■ 运输:防暴晒、雨淋,不得与有毒有害和污染物混装混运。

■ 贮存:置阴凉、通风、干燥处,保质期24个月。


Gamma amino acid specification

First, the origin of the product:

(Stress) the word stress in physics for pressure, stress, originally refers to a system to fight under the action of external force when the overload state.1936 Canadian biologist Ceri (H.Selye) will introduce the word in biology, and put forward the stress said. Due to the different point of view, study on different periods, different schools, to stress the understanding is not the same.

1, is an amino acid, instead of neuropeptides, but the latter is exaggerated.

2, a non protein amino acid

3, a functional amino acid

4, a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system

5, an inhibitory neurotransmitter

English: gamma Aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Chemical name: 4- amino acid

Alias: gamma aminobutyric acid, GABA, pipecolic acid.

Molecular formula: C4H9NO2

Molecular weight: 103.1


Three, mechanism of action

1, the mechanism of sedation: gamma aminobutyric acid is a strong nerve inhibitory amino acids, has sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, physiological effects of lowering blood pressure. It is the inhibitory neurotransmitter (Inhibitory, Neurotransmitter) can inhibit the activity of animal, reduce the energy consumption. GABA GABA receptor function in animal cells, GABA the receptor is a chloride channel, GABA inhibitory or excitatory chloride concentration is dependent on the cell membrane, the GABA receptor is activated, leading to opening of the chloride channel, can increase the cell membrane permeability of chloride ion, so that chloride ions into the nerve cells, causing cell membrane hyper polarization, inhibition of neuronal cell activation, thereby reducing the amount of animal movement.

2, the mechanism of growth promotion: it is through the unconscious movement reducing animal, to reduce the energy consumption, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting growth. Gamma aminobutyric acid can promote gastric juice and animal growth hormone secretion, so as to improve the growth rate and feed intake; exciting animal feeding center, thereby increasing the feed intake.

Anti - stress

The central blood pressure, inhibition of hypothalamic CNS respiratory center, the animal blood pressure, respiratory rate decreased, maintain body temperature is normal, the animal stress environment and living environment have better resistance, can effectively prevent and control irritability, tail biting, fighting, feather pecking and pecking anal stress syndrome.

- tranquilizing by inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, suppress excitatory signals, the suppressive signal can be quickly transferred to the nerves, sedation.

- promote feed:

Through regulating the feed center, enhance appetite, promote feed intake, accelerate the digestion and absorption of feed nutrients, eliminate the loss of appetite caused by stress, improve the daily gain and feed conversion rate

Improve the immunity and disease resistance of livestock and poultry, promote the release of growth hormone, avoid stress caused by malnutrition, decreased production performance, reduce the quality of animal products and disease resistance and other adverse reactions.

Product characteristics

- white flake or needle crystal; micro smelly, deliquescent, slightly bitter taste, good fluidity. Easily soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, insoluble in ethanol, ether and benzene.

Drug ingredients - does not contain prohibited by the state, the materials used are non-toxic side effects, and the effect is significant, safe and reliable.

- if there is a lump, does not affect the product performance, can be used normally.

- direct and mixed feed, pay attention to mixing in seasonal and other appropriate increase the amount of stress.

In addition the full price of feed per ton:

Livestock and poultry: 100-250g grams of aquatic products: 100-200g


Packaging, transportation and storage

Packing: 25kg - high density packaging barrels.

- Transport: Riot sun, rain, and no toxic and harmful pollutants and mixed.

- storage: keep in a cool, ventilated, dry place, shelf life is 24 months.
